Traveling is a passion, and can be very hard to work around a "9-5" job. This is a list of the top careers I have stubbled on, to fit that explorer side of you.
Travel is exciting, and most of us cant find the time to do experience it. Why not just combine work and travel, which will allow you to experience both worlds? This life style can have its perks and downfalls. Living out of a suitcase is not for everyone.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
Top 10 Careers for the Traveling Enthusiast
Most of the jobs on the list require a Bachelors degree, also most countries will only allow you to have a Bachelors degree in order to even get a work visa. If you are a digital nomad, then it is fine to not have a Bachelors. Digital nomads usually rely heavy on self motivation to gain employment though client base websites or recruiters ( it is not for everyone.) If you are self employed and travel, make sure to file your tax according, even if aboard. The Uncle Sam will come back and get their cut.
#10 Flight Attendant/ Pilot
#9 TEFL English Teacher
#8 Oil and Gas industry
#7 Peace Corp Volunteer
#6 foreign Diplomat
#5 Software Engineer
#4 Accounting/ Finance
#3 Digital Nomad
#2 International Business
#1 House Sitting
You can always become a blogger or writer, but also that is very hard industry to travel due to the failure rate. I am also not going to mention military due to the fact you might not enjoy the travel restrictions associated with joining. Not everyone in the military gets to travel as well, you will be surprised on the about of people who have not been deployed in their career.